Programmed for Success


McKenney’s installed an HVAC system with innovative energy management controls at a national restaurant chain’s corporate campus in Atlanta.  THE CHALLENGE  The project entailed renovating an existing warehouse to create … Read More

Streaming with Newfound Efficiency


Diverting more than 70,000 gallons of groundwater is a complicated and expensive task, especially when it occurs daily and requires an extensive transport and filtration process. The groundwater was from … Read More

Equipped for Future Expansion


McKenney’s updated the HVAC system controls and Building Management System (BMS) floor plan amid renovations at a Georgia hospital.   THE CHALLENGE  The McKenney’s team needed to change out antiquated HVAC dampers while … Read More

BIM Keeps Project on Track


McKenney’s installed a highly complex HVAC system at the Riverside Epicenter multipurpose venue—a facility designed to serve its members and the community.  THE CHALLENGE  Installing a large, chilled water HVAC … Read More