McKenney’s Automation and Controls leveraged their expertise to replace factory controls on existing SWUD units with locally sourced, field-installed, open protocol Distech IP controllers. This not only gave the customer a much more cost-effective solution, but also allowed for future modifications to the factory devices, sequences, and overall application.
The customer was faced with failing controllers on several of their SWUD units. Typically, the manufacturer performs the work to retrofit existing controllers, as the controls are proprietary with no viable solutions for off-the-shelf installed controls, but this solution was very costly for the customer. The McKenney’s team had to keep the solution within budget and under the manufacture’s replacement cost while maintaining the same reliability and functionality that existing factory controllers provide. The McKenney’s team also had to perform the replacement for each unit within a short time frame to ensure the occupants observed no inconvenience.
The McKenney’s team gathered the unit’s existing factory as-built information and designed and engineered a turnkey controls solution, including a control package, sequences, and as-built control drawings. The upgrade and replacement package were thoroughly reviewed with the owner/operator, the field staff, and the programming team to ensure that all aspects of the design and implementation met the customer’s goals.
The customer, and other McKenney’s customers, now have a locally sourced solution for SWUD controller failures, replacements, retrofits, and a future service and maintenance option.